Thursday, March 3, 2011

Question - 621

A recreation (left) and a photograph (right) of the first few what of their kind?

Answer: These are the first few images transmitted on the television by John Logie Baird. Ameya, Iam, Divya Shankar, and Dinesh got it. Nicely done.


Ameya said...

Stooky Bill was the name given to the head of a ventriloquist dummy that John Logie Baird used in his early experiments to transmit a televised image between rooms in his laboratory at 22 Frith Street, London.

Iam said...

Stooky Bill
First human image by Baird

Divya Shankar said...

Stooky Bill - a ventriloquist puppet, the picture is the first televised image by Baird.

Dinesh said...

Stooky bill - the puppet used for Baird's first television.