Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Question - 516

Identify what this directed graph represents.

Couple of clarifications:
  • The node with multiple languages in the bottom right is no different from the other nodes. I was too lazy to draw a separate node for each of them.
  • Not all languages are represented, i.e., the graph is non-exhaustive.
Answer: The phrase Its all greek to me and its equivalents in other languages to denote incomprehensibility. I think this question needs a bit more work. Ajit Oke, tsp and Mekie got this one. Well done.


Ajit Oke said...

Expression for unknown/confusing terms in English is, "This sounds greek or latin to me", similarly, In Spanish, it's "This sounds Chinese to me" and so on.

Anonymous said...

Evolution of Language. No evolution No intelligence or No intelligence No evolution. Many things evolve. Life, the economy, software systems, language, music, culture etc. all have to evolve.

tsp said...

Not sure if this is right, but here's an extract from the Language Log:

When an English speaker doesn't understand a word one says, it's "Greek to me". When a Hebrew speaker encounters this difficulty, it "sounds like Chinese". I've been told the Korean equivalent is "sounds like Hebrew".

This graph is based on deriving etymological roots?

mekie said...

Greek is the language of incomprehension to English speakers (It's Greek to me).. The rest of the graph points out what the rest of the world says. (Finnish person feels, 'It's all Hebrew to me')