Answer: This is the final and most famous photograph in a series of photographs of fairies taken by two girls in Cottingley around 1917. Many mystics including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle took the photos to be real and took it as proof of the existence of fairies. The girls maintained that the pictures weren't fake for the longest time. Kamal Rathi, Ajinkya, Karthik, Kaushik, Mekie, Raghu, Reeju, Hirak, nice try, Pavan, Manix and Prachi got it. Well done.
Cottingley fairies
Fifth photo of the Cottingley fairies.
Fairies and their Sunbath
Cottingley fairies. Two girls involved were photographed with fairies in their garden. Later when the girls were elderly they both admitted that the first few photos were fakes that they perpetrated with cardboard cut-outs held up with hat pins. However the last photo they both insisted were real and that they only did the hoax in the first place because they had seen fairies in their garden before.
The 5th Cottingley Fairies
Cottingley Fairies
cottingley fairies
cottingley fairiesrd
Cottingley Fairies that got Conan Doyle interested.
cottingley fairies .. reportedly the one image that one of the sisters continues to claim is genuine
It's this fake picture supposedly showing pixies / fairies. I forget the context or who.
The fifth fake photo in the Cottingley Fairies series :-)
One of the five photos of the Cottingley fairies.
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