Online forum of the University of Michigan Quiz Club.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Question - 391
Identify him (in the news now).
Answer: This is USC linguistics professor Paul Frommer who developed a new language for the Na'vi race in James Cameron's Avatar. Srivats, Hari, Corina, Schmetterling, rishabh and Manix got it. Well done.
Paul Frommer
Paul Frommer
Paul Frommer, a professor of linguistics at the University of Southern California, who worked on Avatar.
The Frommer skxawng
(goes to show how much I "enjoyed" the movie). Manix however thoroughly *LOVED* it.
paul frommer.......linguist hired by avatar director.
paul frommer.......linguist hired by avatar director.
paul frommer.......linguist hired by avatar director.
paul frommer.......linguist hired by avatar director.
Paul Frommer
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