Friday, December 18, 2009

Question - 391

Identify him (in the news now).

Answer: This is USC linguistics professor Paul Frommer who developed a new language for the Na'vi race in James Cameron's Avatar. Srivats, Hari, Corina, Schmetterling, rishabh and Manix got it. Well done.


Srivats said...

Paul Frommer

Hari said...

Paul Frommer

Corina said...

Paul Frommer, a professor of linguistics at the University of Southern California, who worked on Avatar.

Schmetterling said...

The Frommer skxawng

Schmetterling said...

(goes to show how much I "enjoyed" the movie). Manix however thoroughly *LOVED* it.

rishabh said...

paul frommer.......linguist hired by avatar director.

rishabh said...

paul frommer.......linguist hired by avatar director.

rishabh said...

paul frommer.......linguist hired by avatar director.

rishabh said...

paul frommer.......linguist hired by avatar director.

Anonymous said...

Paul Frommer