Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Question - 388

Identify him and the place where the photograph has been taken.

Answer: This is Thomas Hunt Morgan, a pioneering geneticist who introduced the now ubiquitous drosophila melanogaster aka the fruit fly into genetics research. The picture is taken in the famous "fly room" in Columbia university. P, AC&amp, Krithi, Manix, Chandra and Iam (if you believe him) got it. Well done.


P said...

Thomas Hunt Morgan, Caltech

Ramki said...

Karl von Frisch?

AC&RI Campus Connect said...

thomas hunt morgan and his experiment on mutation in drosophila

AC&RI Campus Connect said...

thomas hunt moragan and his famous experiment on mutation on drosophila

Anonymous said...

Nobel Prize winner for medicine Thomas Hunt Morgan of Columbia University.

Anonymous said...

Thomas Morgan in the Fly Room?

Unknown said...

Nobel prize winner Thomas Hunt Morgan American Geneticist (in the study of mutation in the fruit fly) in the 'Fly room' in Columbia University. First person awarded Nobel prize for Genetics in 1933. -Chandra

Iam said...

Thomas Hunt Morgan
Fly room, Columbia University
Drosophila Melanogaster / Common fruit fly

IamApologises said...

Oops looks like the answers were out while I posted my answer