Thursday, September 3, 2009

Question - 312

After yesterday's lack of updates, Iam has a few choice words for the QM and also this question. Give me a person who connects the visuals.

Answer: The connect is Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician whose contributions to science include (among others) a way to measure the circumference of earth, a sieve method to generate prime numbers and a map of the world based on then known geographic facts. Karthik, Mohan, Kr!sh, mekie, nice try, Major Shankar, Hirak, Anindya, Adi, Manix, Hasan, Rajesh and Srivats got it. Well done.


Unknown said...


Mohan Phadnis said...

Eratosthenes... Ptolemaic greek mathematician

kr!sh said...

Based just on the prime number I am guessing the connection is Erastosthenes (sp?).

mekie said...

Eratosthenes of Cyrene

nice try said...

eratosthenes -- measuring circumference of the earth, map of the world, sieve of eratosthenes for prime numbers

Major Shankar said...

Eratosthenes of Cyrene

hirak said...


Anindya said...

Eratosthenes: the radius of the earth, the sieve for primality testing (they didn't have AKS at the time - or very own Godel prize winners) and the map :)

Adi said...

Eratosthenes: Eratosthenes's method for calculating the circumfrence of the earth, the famous prime number seive, and his map of the world

Anonymous said...


Hasan said...


First image is an illustration of his method of deciphering the earth's radius/circumferene

The second is the sieve of eratosthenes, an algo for finding primes.

The last is a map of the world he cooked up from known facts.

rajesh said...


Srivats said...
