Answer: The people are Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Ustad Vilayat Khan and Romila Thapar. The awards shown in the bottom are Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan and Padma Bhushan. These people (in that order and among others) have turned down these awards for various reasons. Vetti, Iam and Rajesh got it while Adi came close. Well done.
Abdul Kalam azad, Vilayat Khan and Romila Thapar - They refused the Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibushan and Padma bushan awards respectively
Those who turned down the top awards
Bharat Ratna - Maulana Abul Khalam Azad
Padma Vibushan - Ustad Vilayat Khan
Padma Bhushan - Romila Thapar
Abul Kalam Azad turned down the Bharat Ratna, Ustad Vilayat Khan turned down all the Padma awards and historian Romila Thapar declined the Padma Bhushan award.
India's civilian awards. Bharat Ratan to Mulana Azad, Padam Vibhushan to Ustad Ali Akbar Khan and Padam Bhushan
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