Monday, May 4, 2009

Question - 244

Today's question is courtesy Swapnaa. The visual in the left is a self-portrait of a man and a very famous work of his is shown in the second visual. Identify both.

Answer: This is Albrecht Durer with his famous "praying hands". If you came across any story that the hands belong to Durer's brother who had to work in coal mines to put Durer through some art school, it is bunkum. Mekie, Raghu, Srivats, Vetti, Iam and Rajeev got it. Well done.


mekie said...

Albrecht Durer and 'Hands'

Raghu said...

Albrecht Dürer and 'Apostle's praying hands'.

Srivats said...

Albrecht Duerer, Praying hands... easy one

Vetti said...

Albrecht Durer - Praying hands

Iam said...

Durer - Praying hands

rajeev said...

durer/praying hands