Online forum of the University of Michigan Quiz Club.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Question - 211
The first sculpture is designed as a hugely magnified version of the second visual. Identify both and the location of the sculpture.
Answer: This is the Atomium in Brussels built for the 1958 world fair. It is a model of the body centered cubic crystalline structure of Iron magnified some 165 billion times. Srivats, Vetti, Anshul, Iam, Schmetterling and Rajesh got it. Well done.
The Atomium, Brussels, Belgium
built for Expo '58, the 1958 Brussels World's Fair
inspired by the BCC structure of Iron
Atomium in Belgium
Its the Atomium in Brussels, a magnified version of the iron crystal.
Atomium, Brussels
Iron crystal structure
Atomium in Brussels?
Atomium at Brussels
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