Monday, January 26, 2009

Question - 169

Connect the lady in the top two visuals to the visual on the top right. The visual in the bottom is somewhat tangentially related to those in the top three. Identify that one as well.

Answer: The lady is Patty Hearst, the granddaughter of William Randolph Hearst who was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) whose symbol is in the far right. In what is considered a case of Stockholm syndrome, Hearst turned sympathetic to SLA's motives and robbed banks with them (first visual). Her prison sentence was commuted by Carter and she was granted a presidential pardon by Clinton. The visual at the bottom is from the movie Network which spoofs the media drama surrounding the Hearst kidnapping. Iam, Rajeev , Hirak and Manix got it. Well done. A picture of Orson Welles at the bottom as Rajeev suggested would have been a nice radial connect (Patty Hearst is the granddaughter of William Randolph Hearst who was famously played by Welles in Citizen Kane).


Anonymous said...

Patty Hearst

Anonymous said...

Patty Hearst, something liberation army, "I'm mad as hell" Network etc.,

You could've had a picture of Orson Welles for an even more radial connect :)

hirak said...

Patty Hearst - Symbionese Liberation Army - which figures in the the fantastic movie "Network" starring Faye Dunaway.

Anonymous said...

(a) Patty Hearst
(b) With her fiance who used to be her bodyguard (Bernard Shaw)
(c) The Symbionese Liberation Army

I have no clue about the 4th clue. No time to check around right now. I hope to post a guess by the end of the day :-)

swapnaa said...

For the benefit of dull folks like myself, could you explain the potentially "radial" connect with Orson Welles? :)