Saturday, October 11, 2008

Question - 79

Today's question is courtesy Shyaps. Identify all visuals and connect.

Answer: The connect is death by immolation. The pictures are Shiva with the corpse of Sati after the Daksha yagna, Joan of Arc and the Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc who famously immolated himself protesting the Vietnam war. Iam, Vikrant, Rahul Trivedi and Keshav got it right. Well done.


Anonymous said...


First and Last are self

1. Sati & Shiva
2. Joan of Arc (Executed by burning)
3. Vietnam monk who immolated himself in protest of attrocities

Unknown said...

buddha, joan of arc ,and a tibetan monk whose name i forget....

their heart was supposed to have survived cremation....


Rahul Trivedi said...

Shiva with the corpse of Sati after the Daksha-Yagna, Joan of Ark and Thích Quảng Đức - the Vietnamese Buddhist monk. The connecting theme - burning alive or self-immolation

Anonymous said...

is it people being burnt to death?
sati, joan of arc and the vietnamese monk who set himself on fire in protest against the government of that time. i think a picture of the third incident featured on the cover of rage against the machine's first album.