Online forum of the University of Michigan Quiz Club.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Question - 661
What controversy (shown in the first pic) is referenced in the second pic?
Answer: The controversy is that a decidedly unheroic Han Solo shoots the alien first in the bar scene in StarWars I. This was edited out or modified in later releases. Raghu, Harshit, anon, Jamie, allornothing and Firebringer got it. Well done.
"Han shot first."
Han shot first!
"Han Shot first" - The original scene had Han Solo shooting first at the bounty hunter. This was modified in Starwars 4.
Weather Han Solo shot at Greedo first or not. and George Lucas is wearing a shirt "Han Shot First"
Han shot first.
The controversy on whether han solo shot first or the alien did in Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope.
Lucas is wearing a tshirt saying 'Han Shot First'. The fanwork tshirt.
Do check my quizblog too.
"Han shot first" - in the Cantina scene, Han shot first in the 1977 movie, but not in the re-release.
Lucas is wearing the T-shirt that says "Han shot first" in the second pic
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