Thursday, January 13, 2011

Question - 593



Anonymous said...

Ophiuchus, allegedly the 13th zodiacal sign :-)

Dinesh said...

Rod of Asclepius - symbol of the Greek God who brought ppl back from the dead and was placed among the stars as the constellation Ophiuchus for his troubles.

Anonymous said...

The constellation of Ophiuchus is the only sign of the Zodiac which is linked to a real man. This man lived in ancient Egypt around the 27th century BCE, and his name was Imhotep, the first known physician.

The doctors' symbol is A staff or rod, with a snake curled around it. It is the staff or rod of Aesculapius , the ancient mythical god of medicine. The same symbol is often used for Ophiuchus.
If you were born between NOVEMBER 30 and DECEMBER 17, OPHIUCHUS is your sign.

A lot of oculists were suggesting that the appearance of Ophiuchus would herald the end of Earth and have linked it to the Mayan calendar.


Iam said...

Rod of Asclepius (Medicine symbol)

Constellation for Asclepius - Ophiuchus

Anonymous said...

Ophiuchus The Serpent Holder - 13th zodiac sign