Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Question - 551


Answer: The two pictures represent the feats, the levitating frog and Graphene, that got the Ig Nobel and Nobel prizes for the physicist Andrew Geim. Dinesh, Anirudh Patil, Vetti, and Ramki got it.


Dinesh said...

Andre Geim's Ignobel and Nobel winning efforts - a levitating frog and graphene.

Anirudh Patil said...

andrew Geim - Won ignobel and nobel.

Vetti said...

Andre Geim - He won Noble prize for his work on graphene and ignoble prize for magnetically levitating a live frog

Ramki said...

Andre Geim, Ignobel for Magnetically levitating a live frog and Nobel Prize in physics 2010 for grounbreaking expts with graphene