Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Question - 549


Answer: The connect is Banana Republic. The clothing retailer of the same name originally started as a travel-related store with a travel/tropical-themed catalogs and magazines (top left). The term was first used to describe a dysfunctional, agriculture-dependent country by the American writer O. Henry in his book "Cabbages and Kings" (top right). The bottom cartoon is Herge's famous depiction of such a country, San Theodoros, in the Tintin comics. Iam, Dinesh, matti tapaninen, and mekie got it. Nice job.


Iam said...

Banana Republic

Dinesh said...

Banana republic - a travel magazine run by the company, an early catalog of the company, the short story collection in which O Henry coined the name and classic examples from Tintin.

matti tapaninen said...

Banana Republic

mekie said...

banana republic