Thursday, September 30, 2010

Question - 542

This cartoon (allegedly) depicts the origin of what commonly used phrase?

Answer: The phrase is rule of thumb. According to Wikipedia, the cartoon satirizes British judge Sir Francis Buller for allegedly ruling that a man may beat his wife, provided he use a stick no thicker than his thumb. Matti Tapaninen, mekie, Jamie, Firebringer, Dinesh, and Anirudh Patil got it right.


matti tapaninen said...

"Judges Thumb".

In 1782, Judge Francis Buller ruled that a man was allowed to beat his wife, provided that the instrument of violence was no larger around than his thumb.

mekie said...

Rule of thumb

Jamie said...

spare the rod, spoil the child

Firebringer said...

Is this the "rule of thumb" ? That's not true now, is it ?

Dinesh said...

Rule of thumb - you can't beat your wife with a stick thicker than your you-know-what.

Anirudh Patil said...

rule of thumb