Shown is a town on the pacific coast in the state of Oregon. X was commissioned to write a magazine article on a major ecological problem that this town faced. His article never got published but what did the research X did on the topic result in?
Hint: This question has garnered all of 0 hits so far. His article was title "They stopped the moving _____" and the ecological problem mentioned is actually visible in the picture.
Answer: The city is Florence, Oregon where the famous Oregon sand dunes are located. Their erosion and inward march into the city were studied by Frank Herbert for a newspaper article. He based his Dune universe and its desert ecology on his findings from this study. Hari, Mekie, Arvind, Krithi and Nitin Sunny got it. Well done.
Hint: This question has garnered all of 0 hits so far. His article was title "They stopped the moving _____" and the ecological problem mentioned is actually visible in the picture.
Answer: The city is Florence, Oregon where the famous Oregon sand dunes are located. Their erosion and inward march into the city were studied by Frank Herbert for a newspaper article. He based his Dune universe and its desert ecology on his findings from this study. Hari, Mekie, Arvind, Krithi and Nitin Sunny got it. Well done.
They stopped the moving sands; Frank Herbert; Dune
Thanks for the hint!
X - Frank Herbert (Dune)
The Dune novels by Frank Herbert.
Florence, Oregon, with sand dunes that served as an inspiration for the Dune saga by Frank Herbert,Scientific short story/novel writer.
Frank Herbert,dune (novel)
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