Saturday, July 3, 2010

Question - 514

Identify the bulletin whose cover is shown.

Answer: The bulletin of the Atomic scientists. The Doomsday clock was invented as the cover art for the first ever issue and the board has maintained the clock ever since. I just finished reading Watchmen and hence the question. Arvind, Ramji, v.chandrashekar, Anirudh Patil, Anand, Matti Tapaninen, Raghu Kainkaryam, Mekie, Krithi, Iam, Akshay, Vetti, Manix and Hirak got it. Well done.


Arvind said...

Bulletin of the Atomic scientists.

Unknown said...

Atomic Scientists

Unknown said...

bulletin of the 'atomic scientists'


Anirudh Patil said...


Anand said...

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

matti tapaninen said...

of the Atomic Scientists

Raghu said...

"Atomic scientists" - doomsday clock

mekie said...

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

mekie said...

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Anonymous said...

Atomic Scientists

Iam said...

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists & the Doomsday clock

Akshay said...

bulletin of the atomic scientists.

Vetti said...

Atommic Scientists

Anonymous said...

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

hirak said...

Atomic Scientists - The famous Doomsday Clock