Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Question - 481

What originated as a result of this statute?

Answer: The Statute of Anne gave rise to copyright law. Mekie, Karthik, Prachi, Paragbm, Matti Tapaninen, Rajesh K., Hirak, Nemani, Iam (credited for previous question as well), and Dinesh got it.


mekie said...


Unknown said...


Prachi said...

The copyright Act

paragbm said...

Copyright law

matti tapaninen said...

First copyright of the world

Hirak said...

Copyright Law

Anonymous said...

The copyright act

- Rajesh K

Nemani said...

Copyright. This was the first time that the authors were allowed sole ownership of printing rights for a fixed period (14 0r 21 yrs).

Iam said...


My answer to the soap opera question was intentionally ignored.

Down to the QM!!!!

Dinesh said...

Statute of Anne - the very first copyright law.