Online forum of the University of Michigan Quiz Club.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Question - 475
Identify him.
Answer: This is Spencer Elden, the kid in the cover of Nirvana's Nervermind. goutamjay, Nemani, Matti Tapaninen, tsp, pranav, anon, Raghu, Arvind, Ramji, Iam, hotmanoj, rajesh, Karthik, anon and Jaggi got it. Well done.
Spencer Elden relaunched cover of Nirvana's "Nevermind" after 10 years with himself wearing a shorts.
"Nirvana Baby" - Spencer Elden, the underwater infant pursuing a dollar bill on the cover of Nirvana's breakthrough 1991 "Nevermind".
Spencer Elden
Nirvana Kid after he grew up and learnt to wear shorts.
Spencer Elden .the guy on the nirvana cover
Never Mind Kid
Nevermind baby all grown up.
Spencer Elden
Spencer Elden. the kid in the Nevermind album cover.
Spencer Elden, the nirvana baby
Kid in Nevermind - Nirvana album art
The baby on the cover of Nirvana's "Nevermind" album, grown up now.
Spencer Elden from Nevermind album cover.
Michael Phelps?
Changing my answer. This is the Nirvana -nevermind - 'baby' now much older
Spencer Elden
Spencer Elden
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