Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Question - 459

Connect the two events.

Answer: The original tea party at Boston Harbour and the modern tea party movement protesting increased government spending. The already easy question was made even easier because I forgot to edit the second visual. Ramki, Raghu, Prachi, Matti Tapaninen, Schmetterling, Manix, Ramji, Hari, Iam, Shravan, Mekie, Karthik and Adi got it. Well done.


Ramki said...

Boston tea party . In early 2009, a series of citizen gatherings called "Tea Parties" began to protest recent increases in government spending, particularly in President Obama's budget and economic stimulus package. One of the first of these was held on April 15, 2009, on Boston Common, just a few blocks from the original Boston Tea Party.
Sorry about the blatant copying from wiki :P.. had limited time only..

Raghu said...

The Boston Tea Party (taxation without representation) and the present Tea Party movement (too much taxation).

Prachi said...

Boston tea Party and
New American Tea Party. Both Protests.

matti tapaninen said...

Boston Tea Party 1773 and Tea Party movement which started early 2009 in response to the Stimulus package.

Schmetterling said...

The Boston Tea Party and the tea bagging conservatives.

Anonymous said...

The Boston Tea Party and the current Republican Tea Party :-)

Unknown said...

Is it the obvious connection- the recent Tea party protests in the US, inspired by the Boston tea party.

Hari said...

Boston tea party, Tea party movement

Iam said...

Boston tea party
Tea bag movt

Shravan said...

Boston Tea Party

mekie said...

tea party

Unknown said...

Boston Tea Party and the more recent Tea party movement protests

Adi said...

Boston tea party, the old and the new