Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Question - 456

Identify the guy in the middle.

Answer: George A. Romero, (grand) father of the zombie movies. Krithi, Kamal Rathi, Matti Tapaninen, Manix, Nihar, Hirak, Rajeev and DrDate got it. Well done.


Anonymous said...

George Andrew Romero

Kamal Rathi said...

George A. Romero, the Grandfather of the Zombie

matti tapaninen said...

George A. Romero

Anonymous said...

George Romero

Nihar said...

the horror movie guy romero?

Hirak said...

George Romero, the grandfather of Zombie movies.

rajeev said...


DrDate said...

George Romero - Nicknamed "The Grandfather of the Zombie"