Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Question - 379

The man on the right made the notes shown on the left. He has been called the "most famous unknown actor in the world". Who is he and what are the notes for?

Answer: The notes are for the famous "Dawn of man" sequence that opens Kubrick's classic 2001: A Space Odyssey. Dan Richter, the man who played the lead ape (moon watcher) is also the choreographer of the scene. In the right, he is shown reenacting the famous scene when he throws a bone up in the air and it transforms into a spacecraft (called the longest flash-forward in movie history). The quote about him being the world's most famous unknown actor is due to Arthur C. Clarke. Karthik, Hari, Arvind, Mrinalini, Jaggi, Corina, Srivats and P got it. Well done.


Ameya said...


Unknown said...

Dane Richer - ape

Hari said...

Dan Richter, Dawn of Man - 2001: A Space Odyssey

Arvind said...

The guy who played the ape in 2001 a space odyssey.
Upon googling, found that his name was Dan Richter.

Unknown said...

The gentleman is Dan Richter who played the leader of the apes (the side that wins) from the film '2001:A Space Odyssey'. I think the leader was called Moonwatcher - he is the one who tosses the bone in slow-motion. The notes detail the movement on-screen for this character.

AJ said...

notes for the chicken dance :)

Jaggi said...

dan richter - starred as the lead ape in 2001: A Space Odyssey

Corina said...

Daniel Richter; notes represent original choreography for the "Dawn of Man" sequence in Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey".

Srivats said...

Dan Richter : Kubricks 'Dawn of Man' sequence in 2001...

P said...

Dan Ritcher, Choreography notes