Thursday, October 15, 2009

Question - 346

 Famous facade of which building?

Answer: Westminster Abbey

Answered by: Rahul Trivedi, Harsh, Karthik, Mekie, Anand, Iam, Jaggi, Chithananda, K, Dinky and Amru and Raghu (comment hidden for obvious reasons)

Also see: Rajesh K's comment on Abe Lincoln and George Washington on patents.


Rahul Trivedi said...

Westminster Abbey

Raghu said...

Westminster Abbey, Darwin's resting place.

Harsh said...

House of Ministers,

Unknown said...

Westminster Abbey

mekie said...

Westminster Abbey

Anand said...

Westminster Abbey

Iam said...

Westminster Abbey

Jaggi said...

Westminster Abbey

Chithananda said...

Westminister abbey

K said...

The Collegiate Church of St. Peter at Westminster, London.

dinky said...

Westminister abbey

Anonymous said...

Aside - This is in response to Abe Lincoln (only President with a patent). George Washington is considered a very shrewd engineer who had many inventions to his credit and he established the Patent Law and the Patent Office. I dont think he had any patents but at that time, patents were signed by the president of the USA. E-week is celebrated the week of Washington's birthday honoring his engineering contributions.

- Rajesh K

Amru said...

Westminster Abbey