Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Question - 333

What are these collectively? Or what is this collection used for? (Question by: Swapnaa)

Answer: Psychotropic drugs to get H-I-G-H! Ecstasy pill, mushrooms, marijuana, etc.
(PS: Contact Swapnaa for details)

High five! Rajesh K, Rajesh, Srivats, Paddy and Jaggi.
Valiant attempt by Iam who lives in an alternative universe at times.


Anonymous said...

Mind Altering Substances

- Rajesh K

Srivats said...

psychoactive drugs

rajesh said...

Psychoactive drugs

Paddy said...


Jaggi said...

These are various Psychoactive drugs

Iam said...


mekie said...

Coca-Cola ingredients