Online forum of the University of Michigan Quiz Club.
Joshua Tree
Joshua tree
Joshua tree. This particular one I think is the one featured in U2's album of the same name. If I am right, this tree has since died.
The Joshua Tree
joshua tree among creosote bushes- possibly in palm springs, ca or the mojave desert!
Baobabthe tree that was planted upside down ?
Joshua tree of U2 album cover fame
joshua tree?
Joshua tree?
The Joshua Treethis specific joshua tree forms a logo, which was also used by U2 in relation to their album titled "The Joshua Tree"
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Joshua Tree
Joshua tree
Joshua tree
Joshua tree
Joshua tree. This particular one I think is the one featured in U2's album of the same name. If I am right, this tree has since died.
The Joshua Tree
joshua tree among creosote bushes- possibly in palm springs, ca or the mojave desert!
the tree that was planted upside down ?
Joshua tree of U2 album cover fame
joshua tree?
Joshua tree?
The Joshua Tree
this specific joshua tree forms a logo, which was also used by U2 in relation to their album titled "The Joshua Tree"
Joshua tree
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