Monday, September 14, 2009

Question - 320


Answer: A Joshua Tree. Specifically, this one was used on the U2's eponymous album and has since died.

Cracked by:  Anonymous, Mekie, Raghu, Rajesh, Dinesh, Paddy,  Iam, Riskit, Hasan, Krithika, and Karthik.


Anonymous said...

Joshua Tree

mekie said...

Joshua tree

Raghu said...

Joshua tree

rajesh said...

Joshua tree

Dinesh said...

Joshua tree. This particular one I think is the one featured in U2's album of the same name. If I am right, this tree has since died.

Paddy said...

The Joshua Tree

Unknown said...

joshua tree among creosote bushes- possibly in palm springs, ca or the mojave desert!

Major Shankar said...


the tree that was planted upside down ?

Iam said...

Joshua tree of U2 album cover fame

Riskit said...

joshua tree?

Hasan said...

Joshua tree?

Hasan said...

The Joshua Tree
this specific joshua tree forms a logo, which was also used by U2 in relation to their album titled "The Joshua Tree"

Karthik said...

Joshua tree