Friday, September 11, 2009

Question - 318

Cartoon shows a historical incident (some text erased)
Identify the two people in the picture?

No cracks so far!
Hint #1: See second picture
Hint #2: Only one correct answer so far. Those sandals are homemade.

Answer: M.K. Gandhi and Jan Smuts. The cartoon was drawn when Gandhi was in South Africa, a time where he had a lot more hair!
Gandhi sent Jan Smuts a pair of sandals he had made whilst in jail. On the occasion of Gandhiji's 70th birthday, Jan Smuts returned the sandals to Gandhiji saying, "I have worn these sandals for many a summer since then even though I may feel that I am not worthy to stand in the shoes of so great a man".

Only Rajesh got this correct. Awesome.



rajesh said...

Gandhi and J C Smuts

Paddy said...

Since you have that picture you might also get a kick out of reading this short story: