What just happened?
Answer: Monica Seles has just been stabbed at the Hamburg open by Gunter Parache, an obsessed Graf fan. Rajeev, Srivats, Mihir, anon, Ajit, Vetti, Raghu, nice try, Schmetterling, Iam, Rithwik, anon (sure take all the extra points you need :)), rajesh and Srini got it. Well done.
11 extra GS for steffi?
monica seles stabbed
Monica Seles got stabbed by a spectator.
Seles getting stabbed
Is this Monica Seles back stab incidence?
Monica Seles getting stabbed
Monica Seles stabbed
monica seles stabbed at the hamburg open
Martina Navratilova stabbed in the back
Oh wait, Seles was stabbed in the back! But was it a Seles-Navratilova game? I'm thoroughly confused, and this calls for some Google.
Monica Seles stabbed in French Open by Graf fan
A small scar for Seles, a big scar for mankind
1993 stabbing of Monica Seles
------- Rithwik - Sharp Shooters
Seles got stabbed by Gunther Parche.
Do i get extra points for naming the attacker?
Monica Seles got stabbed
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