Sunday, July 19, 2009

Question - 287

Where is this marker located? What is the significance of the number on it?

Answer: This is the end of the Trans-Siberian railway at Vladivostok. The number on the marker is the distance the trail travels from Moscow to Vladivostok. Srivats, Schmetterling, Hari, Iam, Renuka, Raghu, Vetti, Swapnaa, Adi, Rajesh and Anshul got it. Well done.


Srivats said...

The marker for kilometre 9288, at the end of the Trans-Siberian Railway line in Vladivostok

Schmetterling said...

TRans Siberian railway, 9288th kilometer

Hari said...

Vladivostok train station, distance from Moscow

Iam said...

Trans Siberian Railway 9288km pt @ Vladivostok

Iam said...

Dinky Bulbo!

Don't add label tags until answer is posted. Doesn't matter for this Q. For future ref.

Renuka said...

This is the marker for kilometer 9,288, at the end of the Trans-Siberian line in Vladivostok (as from the commonly used route of train No.002M, Moscow-Vladivostok). From 1956 to 2001 many trains went between Moscow and Kirov via Yaroslavl instead of Nizhny Novgorod. This would add some 29 km to the distances from Moscow, making Vladivostok Kilometer 9,288.At 9,288 kilometres , it spans a record 7 time zones and is the third-longest single continuous service in the world.

Raghu said...

Vladivostok station; which is 9288 km from Moscow along the Trans-Siberian railway line.

Vetti said...

Vladivostok - Trans siberian train travel 9288km

swapnaa said...

Vladivostok. Its 9288km from Moscow - the longest distance from a capital to a city in a country.

Adi said...

At the Vladivostok stop of the Trans-Siberian railways.

rajesh said...

Vladivostok train station, 9288 signifies the length of the Trans-Siberian railroad.

AJ said...

The marker at the end of Trans-Siberian railway line in Vladivostok. it is 9288 km long.