Thursday, July 9, 2009

Question - 280

Who is the creator of this chart? The person in question developed a modified version of the pie chart (of which the shown visual is an example) and is the first female member to be elected to the Royal Statistical Society.

Answer: The chart was developed by Florence Nightingale and is known as the Nightingale rose diagram. The chart shows the casualties experienced by the British forces in the Crimean war. Florence Nightingale rose to fame for her services as a nurse during this war. Hari, Vijay, anon, Vetti, nice try, Anshul and Adi got it. Well done.


Hari said...

Florence Nightingale

VIjay said...

Florence Nightingale

Anonymous said...

F. Nightingale......

Vetti said...

Florence Nightingale

nice try said...

florence nightingale ..

AJ said...

Florence Nightingale

Adi said...

Florence Nightingale