Sunday, June 28, 2009

Question - 275

This massive structure has been in construction since 1882 and is not expected to be finished till 2026. Identify it and its architect.

Answer: This is the Sagrada familia church designed by the renowned Catalan architect Gaudi. When asked about the length of construction, Gaudi is said to have remarked "my client is in no hurry". Do check out the fantastic architectural details of the church through Google images. tsp, Hari, Raghu, Vetti, Iam, Rajesh, Krag and Johnny Walker got it. Well done.


tsp said...

Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família

Hari said...

Sagrada familia, Barcelona

Any reasons for the really long construction period?

Raghu said...

Gaudi's Sagrada Familia

Vetti said...

Sagrada FamAlia by Antoni GaudA

Iam said...

La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

By Antoni Gaudi

rajesh said...

Antoni Gaudi's Sagrada Familia

Unknown said...

La Sagrada Familia by Gaudi.

(I just got back from Barcelona =))

Johny Walker said...

Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família