Monday, June 15, 2009

Question - 269

Identify the blanked word in the cartoon on the left (this cartoon is the first instance when the word in question was used). The word is related to the committee whose typical meeting is shown in the top right. A group of famous people persecuted by the said committee are in the bottom right. Identify the committee and the group's nickname.

Answer: The cartoon gave rise to the word McCarthyism. The visual on the top right is the HUAC (House UnAmerican activities committee) which investigated suspected communists. Among the people investigated were some relatively well known Hollywood persona (shown in the bottom right) who were nicknamed the Hollywood ten. Though senator McCarthy wasn't directly involved in the activities of HUAC, the two phenomena were definitely interlinked. tsp, Mihir, Kr!sh, Iam, Hari, Raghu, Schmetterling, Vijay, nice try, Srivats, Rajeev, Mekie, Vetti and Swapnaa got it. Well done.


tsp said...

Word: McCarthyism

Group: House Committee on Unamerican Activities (Fish/Dies Committee)

The Persecuted: The Hollywood Ten

Mihir said...

House Committee on Un-American Activities.

kr!sh said...

I came up with a similar qn during the elections but passed on :-)..

McCarthyism and the first persecution of "communist sympathizers"

Iam said...



Hollywood 10

Hari said...

House Un-American Activities Committee; Hollywood Ten

Took some time to crack mainly because McCarthy wasn't related in any manner to the committee although his goals were

But McCarthy himself is a far more interesting topic for questions than the committee is

Raghu said...


Schmetterling said...

Mccarthyism, House committee on un-american activities

Vijay said...


nice try said...


Srivats said...

McCarthyism, the HUAC (House commitee on un-American activities), and the Hollywood ten

rajeev said...


mekie said...

House Un-American Activities Committee
The Hollywood Ten

Vetti said...

McCarthyism and Hollywood blacklist

swapnaa said...

Committee: House Committee on Un-American Activities

Group: The Hollywood Ten