Friday, June 5, 2009

Question - 263

Who is the man caricatured in the top left?

Answer: This is a page out of the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (the actual guide, the blanked word at the top is Galactica) and showing up as one of the publishers from the Sirius cybernetics corporation is none other than Douglas Adams himself. Iam is the only one to get it. Bravo.


hirak said...

Steve Jobs

Anonymous said...

Douglas Adams

I got it by googling "A bunch of mindless jerks yada yada yada"

Whats the point of this question? I know not, about the book.

Iam said...

Douglas Adams

I got it by googling "A bunch of mindless jerks yada yada yada"

What is the point of this question? I know not, about the book. Plz elaborate in your answer.