Thursday, May 21, 2009

Question - 256

This question is courtesy Manix. The visual in the top left was created from measurements made by the visual in the top right. Certain correlations in this data have been named after the highlighted portions shown in the bottom. Identify all and connect.

Answer: The top visuals are the WMAP (Wilkinson microwave anistropy probe) image of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the satellite that measured it. The map in the bottom are the "axis of evil" countries (Iran, Iraq and North Korea). The background radiation was recently found to have certain features clustered along certain axes. This has major implications on the evolution of the universe and such axes have been christened as axes of evil. Srivats and Raghu got it. Well done.


Srivats said...

er... that is the WMAP image of the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropy, originally taken by COBE. I dont know what it has to do with the final image

Srivats said...

ah... i think i have it now... The Axis of Evil in the early Universe that is at odds with the currently favored theory of rapid expansion after the Big Bang.

Nice one

Raghu said...

Axis of Evil