Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Question - 241

Which famous geographical feature is shown here?

Answer: These are the famous white cliffs of Dover. Srivats, Mekie, Raghu and Arvind got it. Anshul came really close but went for the lesser known seven sisters of Sussex. Well done.


Srivats said...

White cliffs of Dover

mekie said...

the white (chalk) cliffs of Dover

Raghu said...

Here on these cliffs of Doverso high you can't see over
and while your head is spinning
hold tight it's just beginning.


AJ said...

The seven sisters, Sussex.

Unknown said...

Table mountain

Arvind said...

white cliffs of dover?

swapnaa said...

I want to make a lazy guess. It looks like a crack or fissure developed along the edge a cliff, and the sea and winds eroded parts on the sea-side of the crack...