Monday, April 27, 2009

Question - 239

Identify all the visuals and the common theme connecting them.

Answer: These are the standard images/3D objects used to benchmark and compare image processing and graphics algorithms. They are (from L to R) Lenna (the famous playboy centerfold), the Utah teapot, the Stanford bunny and the Cornell box. Srivats, Raghu, Ashwin, nice try, Rajeev, Iam and Avi got it. Well done.


Hari said...

Alice in Wonderland

Srivats said...

Lenna sodeberg, utah teapot, stanford bunny, cornell box...

Image processing/graphics tests

Raghu said...

image processing test images

Unknown said...

Most commonly used images for image processing - testing, demonstration etc

nice try said...

computer vision problems -- leena, utah teapot, stanford bunny,

rajeev said...

image processing/computer graphics test objects - lena, teapot, stanford bunny etc.,

Iam said...

Standard test images for computer graphics and image processing

Utah teapot
Cornell box
Stanford bunny
Playboy bunny

Avi said...

That girl in a hat picture is used as a standard reference to benchmark the performance of any imaging algorithm.
The next one is the "Utah tea pot " which was another standard reference for 3D graphics. I guess the other 2 are also some kind of standard references used to evaluate different kinds of graphics..