Monday, April 20, 2009

Question - 233

Identify the person in the first visual who is also the speaker in the second visual.

Answer: This is Trofim Lysenko, an agronomist who was influential in Stalinist Russia. His theories of genetics contradicted those of Mendel but his political clout ensured that his views reigned supreme in Russia till the dismissal of Khrushchev. He was the main reason for Russia's severe backwardness in biology and particularly genetics and might have contributed to huge famines through his wrong policies. He also had many of his opposers who believed in Mendelian genetics imprisoned and killed. Srivats, Iam and Manix got it. Well done.


Srivats said...

Since the guy is studying what appears to be wheat in the first pic, and I can see Stalin at the extreme right in the second, I'm gonna say Lysenko, of "Lysenkoism" fame

Iam said...

Lysenko (of Lysenkoism as opposed to Mendelian inheritance)

Anonymous said...

Trofim Lysenko