Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Question - 202

This question is courtesy Manix. What does the map represent?

Answer: This is the corruption perception index published by Transparency international which measures the "degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians". Srivats, Raghu and Shreeranjani got it. Well done.


Srivats said...

Perception of corruption

Raghu said...

corruption perception index (or honesty index)

Anonymous said...

Inflation rates?

passer by said...

mobile phones density..

shreeranjani said...

corruption index map indicating corruption levels among politicians and public officials.

Avi said...

A vague guess - Is it some kind of ratio of population to the no of representatives in the governing council of the country? (Since the NA spots are North Korea, Western Sahara, Luxembourg, the Vatican and a few islands)..