Answer: The connect are as follows:
Pentagon Papers to Rosemary's baby: The papers along with the watergate scandal sunk the Nixon administration. In a rather lame attempt to save Nixon, his secretary Rose Mary Woods claimed that she accidentally erased parts of the watergate tape in an episode that has been nicknamed "Rosemary's boo-boo" by the press.
Rosemary's baby to Beatles: There are at least two strong connects. The movie was shot in the same building where John Lennon lived and was gunned down. Another connect: Polanski's wife Shannon Tate was murdered by Charles Manson who claimed to have been inspired by a Beatles song.
Beatles to Warhol: The common poster of the Beatles in Warhol's style. Another connect is Warhol's "15 minutes of fame" concept vs Beatles' "We are more famous than Jesus".
Warhol to Sandburg: Marilyn Monroe. Warhol made a famous painting of her. Sandburg was a close associate of Monroe and was supposed to read the Eulogy in her funeral but couldn't do so because of illness.
Sandburg to Hemingway: The face of E.T in the movie is modelled after them.
Hemingway to Franco: Hemingway's For Whom the Bells toll is about the Spanish civil war in which Franco played a pivotal part.
Franco to Dali: Despite his anti-war stance, Dali was openly supportive of Franco's fascist regime in Spain much to the dismay of the other surrealists.
Dali to Fibonacci sequence: The ratio of successive Fibonacci numbers approaches the golden ratio. This ratio features extensively in Dali's works (for example, in The Sacrament of the Last Supper).
Golden Ratio to Pentagon Papers: In a pentagon with unit side length, the diagonal length is the golden ratio, a fact which caused the ancients to attribute mystical properties to the pentagram.
There are some other ways to connect these and also some connects between the non-successive questions as well. Rajeev and Hirak attempted and partially answered the question. Very well done.
So far,
Rosemary - Sharon Tate - Helter Skelter - Beatles - More famous than Jesus- fame quote - Warhol
Hemminways - Spanish Civil War- Franco - got letters from Dali
Epic. :)
pentagon with diagonals joined gives pentagram <-> illustration of golden ratio
dali <-> golden ratio sacrament of the supper
dali <-> lived in spain during franco's reign
franco <-> hemingway Spanish civil war
hemingway <-> sandburg both are part of ET's face
warhol <-> sandburg famous american icons
andy warhol - beatles iconic red/yellow/blue poster
rosemary's baby <-> beatles john lennon's death @ Dakota
ellsberg <-> polanski major newsmakers of the 60s
wow, didn't know wgate secretary was rose mary woods. interesting.
Aside, I think the blog is going great. I can only add one suggestion - video clues. Youtube and Blogger go well together. Although, I know that making interesting video based questions is more difficult.
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