Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Question - 175

Person in visual 1 started it all off. Person in visual 2 gave it his official blessing. Visual 3 shows a famous response to it. Visual 4 is a work of fiction that is partially concerned with it. Identify all the visuals and the connecting thread.

Answer: Justice Jagmohan Lal Sinha (Visual 1) declared Indira Gandhi's election as invalid which led Indira to persuade President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (Visual 2) to declare emergency. Visual 3 is the famous blank editorial that Ramnath Goenka published in the Indian Express as a response to the censorship of the press. Rushdie's midnight's children (visual 4) claims the emergency is just a distraction for Indira to destroy the 1001 special midnight's children. Rajesh, Raghu, Schmetterling and Hirak got it. Well done.


Anonymous said...

Jagmohanlal Sinha, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, censorship of news articles during Emergency & cover of Midnight's Children
Theme - Indian Emergency between 1975 and 1977

Raghu said...

Connect : Indian Emergency

Justice Jagmohanlal Sinha invalidated Indira's election

President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed declared the Emergency

Indian Express published a blank editorial in protest

Salman Rushdie used the Emergency as a backdrop in Midnight's Children.

Schmetterling said...

Justice Jagmohan Lal Sinha (Thanks to Sita for finding out who he was!I struggled) - disqualified Indira Gandhi to be an MP at the Lok Sabha, whereupon she requested President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed to declare a state of national emergency, which incited the general public; Sulman Rushdie loosely bases his novel Midnight's Children around the partition, post-partitioned India and the 1975 emergency.

hirak said...

Justice Sinha - Fakruddin Ali Ahmed starting the Emergency.

The cover being Midnight's Children. But, to give that as a clue is misleading as Rushdie's book covers all parts of modern Indian history past, well midnight, 1947.