Sunday, December 7, 2008

Question - 127

The first visual is the poster of a movie based on the person in the second visual. Identify the movie and the person.

Answer: The movie is The World's fastest Indian based on the legendary New Zealand speed racer Burt Munroe. A whooping 18 correct responses from Madhu, Vikrant, Vateez, Manix, Iam, tsp, Arvind, Harish, Raghu, Mekie, Swapnaa, Anshul, Anand, Divya, Trevor Burnham, Hirak, Ashwin and an anon got it. Well done.


Madhu said...

Movie: The World's fastest Indian
Person: Burt Munro

Unknown said...

burt munro and the indian scout.... hopkins plays him in the fastest indian....

imitator said...

world's fastest indian

Anonymous said...

The World's Fastest Indian is Burt Munro :-)

Anonymous said...

World's Fastest Indian
Burt Munro

tsp said...

Burt Munro
(Movie: The World's Fastest Indian *ing Anthony Hopkins)

Anonymous said...

Movie - The World's Fastest Indian
with Anthony Hopkins playing Burt Munro.
Famous for - the worst Kiwi accent in the history of movies.

Anonymous said...

World's fastest indian, Burt Munro

Raghu said...

Burt Munro and the "World's Fastest Indian".

mekie said...

Film: The World's Fastest Indian
Person: Burt Munro, the New Zealander who set the world speed record with his Indian motorcycle on the Utah salt flats

swapnaa said...

The World's Fastest Indian
Burt Munro from NZ

AJ said...

The movie is "The world's fastest Indian" based on life of Burt Munro.

Anonymous said...

The World's Fastest Indian - Movie on Munro, the one time record holder of the fastest bike on earth. I knew the bike was Indian and there was a movie made with the name like flying indian or fastest indian, the rest of the answer is courtesy IMDB

Anand said...

The World's faster indian - Burt Munro

Divya said...

Burt Munro, Indian

Trevor Burnham said...

The movie is The World's Fastest Indian, starring Anthony Hopkins and based on the story of Burt Munro.

hirak said...

world's fastest indian!!

Unknown said...

Worlds Fastest Indian and Burt Munro