Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Question - 112

Identify the three visuals and connect. The year in the bottom visual is irrelevant.

Answer: The first visual is that of Joshua Bell with his Stradivarius violin, the second is the L'enfant Plaza in Washington DC, a subway station and the third is the Pulitzer medal. In an interesting experiment, Gene Weingarten, a journalist with Washington Post had Joshua Bell play in the subway station on a busy Friday morning. The purpose was to find out if people recognize true genius when it is on display in such a quotidian setting. Gene Weingarten won a Pulitzer for his article which can be read here. Divya, Mihir, Mekie, Rajesh, Keshav and Iam got it. Well done.


Divya said...

"pearls before breakfast", joshua bell at the washington DC metro station.

Mihir said...

The first image shows the famous concert violinist Joshua Bell. The second visual is a Washington DC subway station (L'ENFANT PLAZA STATION) where Bell played for more than half an hour on Friday, January 12, around 8 am. Interestingly, only a few people stopped and noted that it was a world-famous artist playing, while most walked on. See Pearls Before Breakfast. The third image is the Pulitzer Medal, for "disinterested and meritorious public service". The writer of the above Washington Post piece, Gene Weingarten, won the 2008 Feature writing medal for this work.
Terrific questions, keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

top-right washington DC railway stations, bottom-Pulitzer prize for public service.No clue about the dude on the top left.

Connect: Washington Post won this year's Pulitzer prize for public service.

mekie said...

Joshua Bell, L'Enfant Plaza metro station in Washington, Pulitzer Prize

Connect: 'Flop of the L'Enfant Plaza' - A Washington Post article featuring a cultural experiment involving Joshua Bell (violinist) at the L'Enfant Plaza metro station was awarded the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing.

Anonymous said...

Joshua Bell, L'Enfant Plaza metro station, Pulitzer Prize medal.
Connect: Pearls Before Breakfast article by Gene Weingarten in The Washington Post.

Anonymous said...

to be really frank, the only picture i recognized was the pulitzer medal. the connect is the feature 'pearls before breakfast' by gene weingarten of the washington post. the violinist is joshua bell and i'm guessing that must be a picture of the l'enfant train station. great question- because without it, i wouldn't have spent time reading that amazing piece of writing when i was supposed to be working on an assignment.

Anonymous said...

Joshua Bell
L'Enfant Plaza Washington DC
Pulitzer Prize

Connect: Gene Weingarten wrote about Joshua Bell performing incognito in the train station, and got the Pulitzer prize for Featured Writing

And Joshua Bell got $52.17. Bummer!