Thursday, November 6, 2008

Question - 100

Shown is a billboard honouring a native son in his home town. Identify.

Aside: I suppose the 100th question is a milestone of sorts. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the blog. I hope you guys have as much fun answering questions as I have setting them. Let me know if you have any suggestions/ideas/brickbats regarding the blog. Also, if you enjoy the blog, spread the word to anyone you know who enjoys quizzing.

Answer: This is a billboard honouring Gabriel Garcia Marquez found in Aracataca, Colombo. You can see the word Macondo in the lower right. Macondo is the town in which his 100 years of solitude takes place. Rahul Trivedi, Raghu, Mekie, Keshav, Hirak (brownie points for noticing the pun), Rajesh, Vikrant and Adi got it. Well done.


Rahul Trivedi said...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Raghu said...

Gabriel García Márquez of Aracataca, Colombia.

mekie said...

Billboard of Gabriel García Márquez in Aracataca, Colombia. The mayor wanted to rename the city as Macondo, but was rebuffed!

mekie said...

Dinky, Congratulations on the 100th post! It has been exciting all the way!

Anonymous said...

gabriel garcia marquez.

hirak said...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Excellent quiz pun to have this as the 100th question.

Barring a few exceptions, all questions have been excellent, well-framed and with interesting fundaes.

Also, importantly, the variety has been excellent. I find it extremely irksome when QMs get fixated on one or two areas.

Anonymous said...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez & Aracataca.

Unknown said...

hmm, the billboard says macondo, which if i am not mistaken is the town from a hundred years of solitude.... So Gabriel Garcia Marquez?

unless, of course it refers to one of the characters. cant make out. But i guess it looks a little like Marquez, so I'll go with that

Anonymous said...

Garcia Marquez being honored in Aracataca. Macondo is a town in 100 years of solitude.