Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Question - 82

Two pictures taken at two different times. Identify the place and its specialty.

Answer: This is the Bay of Fundy which has the highest tidal range in the world due to a tidal resonance phenomenon. Swapnaa and QoD were the only ones to get it. Well done.


swapnaa said...

Hmm... its a lock on some lake/sea... can't think of why this one is special :|

swapnaa said...

The Bay of Fundy :)

swapnaa said...

Bay of Fundy - has one of the highest vertical tide range in the world.

Anonymous said...

aral sea....the sea is literally shrinking


Anonymous said...

I'm going to change my answer as the two pictures on second glance look pretty recent......i'm going to say bay of fundy.....known for its rather drastic differences between high and low tide
