Monday, August 4, 2008

Question - 25

Blogger isn't letting me upload any images. So, today's question is dry. I have obfuscated it as much as I could to make it not too easy. If blogger lets me upload the visual, I will put a new question.

Question: In a 2002 poll, 61% believed the answer is no, 9% believed the answer is yes, 22% were undecided and 8% that it is undecidable. Some think analyzing minesweeper would give some insight into the question. What am I talking about?

Answer: The P vs. NP problem. The minesweeper connection is here. Divya and Raghu got it right. Well done.


Divya said...

Is P=NP?

Anonymous said...

The question was - 'Do you think Osama would be caught?'

mekie said...

2002 Gallup poll of the 'Islam world' - this particular data is about whether 'Arabs were involved in the WTC attacks'.

Raghu said...

P v. NP

Anonymous said...

Project Minesweeper Utopia