Good morning! I am experimenting with the crossword-style of question difficulty. Questions will get harder from Monday to Saturday. If I get to it, Sunday will have a 'larger' set of visual clues for Wed-level of difficulty.
What was the result of this cartoon? (some words blanked out)
Answer: Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot a captive bear on a hunting trip that prompted the cartoon above. The blanked out lines read "Drawing the line in Mississippi". An entrepreneur inspired by the cartoon came up with the idea of a "teddy" bear.
Answered by:
Anerudh Balaji, Kamal Rathi,techie, mekie, Riskit,swapnaa,rajesh, dinky, Ramji, Iam, keshav, Jaggi,Anonymous, nice try, Raghu, Anonymous and Karthik
"Teddy" bears
'Teddy' for Theodore Roosevelt
Nickname for 'Teddy' Roosevelt
origin of the phrase "teddy bear" from ted roosevelt
Teddy bear was created as a tribute to Theodore Roosewelt
"Teddy" Roosevelt refused to shoot a captured bear : This act led to a toy maker naming his stuffed bear a "teddy bear".
the teddy bear
Teddy bear
This is a cartoon parodying Teddy Roosevelt incident, where he refused to shoot a captive bear on a hunting trip.
This led to toy bears being called Teddy bears.
Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot a baby bear during a hunting trip and "teddy bears" were born as a result of the Awwwww moment.
Teddy bears
"Teddy" bear!
"Teddy" bear was coined.
Teddy bear
A resignation of the President??????
A 1902 political cartoon in The Washington Post spawned the Teddy bear name.
Nice one..Teddy Bear...The theodore roosevelt based cartoon.
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